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Few Reasons To Use Dog Poop Bags

Do you know why we should use dog poop bags to pick up waste from our dog? Well, actually there are many reasons, but here are five to consider.

1) The courtesy to our neighbors. How often have you intervened dog poop and tracked it inside your home or in your vehicle? As we know it is very hard to get rid of it. It is also difficult to remove it from the carpets as well as from our shoes.

There are dog poop bags and scoopers available to get rid of the dog poop. You can navigate to this source: to buy these products or you can go to your nearby pet store.  

2) Dog poop poses a real threat to our water. It is an environmental pollutant. Studies in recent years have put dogs third on the list of contributors to bacteria in contaminated waters. Dog waste adds nitrogen to the water. Excess nitrogen in oxygen depleted water which is needed for fish and wildlife.

3) Dog waste is hazardous to health. It contains 23 million coliform bacteria per gram and potentially, whipworm, hookworm to the heart, roundworms and tapeworms. These worms can live in the soil for long periods and are easily transmitted to humans or other animals. Dog poop bags safely contain and eliminate these health risks.

4) Dog waste is not a good lawn fertilizer. It is actually toxic to your lawn, cause burns and unsightly discoloration.

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