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When You Should Consult a Foot Specialist?

Our feet are among our main body parts. They play a massive role in balance and locomotion. Unfortunately, they are among our most neglected and mistreated. We stub feet, squeeze them into uncomfortable shoes, or stand and walk on them for hours. 

It's not unusual to experience pain, fungus, or ingrown toenails, but a lot of people don't know when it is time to go to the foot expert. Just in case you don't already know, you can consult a top foot specialist in Midtown NYC by browsing They will diagnose and treats conditions linked to your ankle and under. They can earn board certification through training, expertise, and an examination.

You need to make an appointment to meet with a podiatrist if you notice any of these 5 conditions.

Bunions. These are bumps that usually appear in the base of your big toe and can lead to pain and swelling. Bunions may be caused by one of many factors such as how you walk, what sort of shoes you wear, how you developed, or even psychiatric ailments.

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Heel pain. There are lots of different causes of heel pain that you should see a doctor about. In children, it is often osteochondritis dissecans, as opposed to plantar fasciitis, which happens when a piece of cartilage comes loose at the end of the bone.

Corns and calluses. These stains of hardened skin can be extremely painful when a lot of buildups occur. To ensure that the process is done properly and cleanly, you will need an expert to gently remove the hardened skin and follow up with therapy to avoid another buildup.

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