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Why Eye Guasha is the Perfect Addition to Your Skincare Routine?

Eye Guasha is a traditional Chinese technique that involves massaging the skin around your eyes with a smooth tool made of jade or other precious stones. The word "Guasha" actually means 'scraping' in Chinese, and it's used to promote blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

But why use a specific tool for this massage? The pressure you can apply with gua sha tools is much more precise than with your fingers alone. It also helps cool down inflammation while providing gentle micro-circulation benefits to aid in healing.

The Eye Guasha technique has been used for centuries as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices but has only recently gained popularity in Western beauty routines. By using an Eye Gua Sha tool, it's believed that you'll be able to stimulate circulation around the eye area, which will help reduce puffiness and dark circles. Hop over to this website to know more about eye guasha.

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Using Eye Guasha is a simple process that can be easily incorporated into your daily skincare routine. Here's how to use it:

1. Start by washing your face and applying facial oil or serum to help the gua sha tool glide smoothly over your skin.

2. Hold the gua sha tool at a 15-degree angle, with the curved side against your skin.

3. Starting from the inner corner of your eye, gently glide the tool outwards towards your temple using light pressure.

4. Repeat this motion 3-5 times, gradually increasing pressure as you go.

5. Move on to the under-eye area and repeat, being careful not to apply too much pressure in this delicate area.

6. Finish off by gliding the gua sha tool down along your neck and collarbone.

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