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When Should You Contact a Possum Catcher?

If you have seen a possum in your yard or near your home, you may be wondering if you should contact a professional possum catcher. While it is possible to catch and remove a possum yourself, it is usually best to leave this task to the professionals. Here are a few situations when you should contact a professional Sydney possum catcher:

If the possum is inside your home: Possums are often drawn to homes because they offer shelter and food. If you have found a possum inside your home, it is important to contact a professional as soon as possible. They will be able to safely capture and remove the animal without causing any damage to your property. You can get more information about pest control via

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If the possum is causing damage to your property: Possums can cause damage to gardens, trees, and structures on your property. If you have noticed any damage that you believe was caused by a possum, contact a professional for help.

If the possum is acting aggressively: Although possums are generally docile animals, they can become aggressive if they feel threatened. If you have encountered an aggressive possum, contact a professional for assistance. 

If you are not comfortable handling the possum: Catching and removing a possum can be a difficult and dangerous task. If you are not comfortable handling the animal, it is best to contact a professional. They will have the experience and equipment necessary to safely remove the possum from your property. 

Possums are interesting and unique animals, but they can also be a nuisance. If you have found a possum on your property, contact a professional possum catcher for assistance.

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