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What is a Haloumi Burger?

A haloumi burger is a type of burger that uses haloumi cheese in place of traditional American cheese. Haloumi is a type of cheese that originates from Cyprus and is made from sheep's milk.

It has a high melting point, which makes it ideal for grilling or frying. Haloumi burgers are becoming increasingly popular as a healthier alternative to traditional hamburgers. There are many different ways to make a haloumi burger. You can also buy Flavoured Haloumi Chilli Cheese from Riverina Dairy i.e. Locally Owned.

The most basic recipe simply replaces the American cheese with haloumi cheese. However, there are also recipes that use a combination of ground beef and lamb, as well as other variations that include additional ingredients such as feta cheese, olives, and sun-dried tomatoes.

One of the great things about haloumi burgers is that they can be cooked in a variety of ways. They can be grilled, fried, or even baked. And since they don't contain any meat, they're perfect for vegetarians or those looking for a lighter option.

So if you're looking for something new to try for dinner tonight, why not give a haloumi burger a try? You might just find that it's tasty enough to become your new go-to meal.

Tips on Making the Perfect Haloumi Burger

1. Preheat your grill, or heat a heavy skillet on the stove over medium-high heat.

2. Cut the haloumi into burger-sized patties – they should be about ½ inch thick.

3. Season the haloumi with salt and pepper, and brush with a little olive oil.

4. Grill or cook the haloumi for 2-3 minutes per side, until golden brown and slightly charred.

5. Serve the haloumi burgers on toasted buns, topped with your favorite condiments and sides. 

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