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Swimming Pool Covers – An Inexpensive Way To Protect Your Pool

When looking for cover, take the time and don't rush. Remember that manufacturers have made a variety of products to meet the needs of potential owners. Blankets are available in various sizes and for various shapes. If you can't find one that is perfect for your pool, you can even make it special.

Generally, they come in two varieties, and several types. As far as the two varieties go, there are manual varieties, which mean you pull it by hand and turn off the pool, or there are automatic varieties that will unroll or remove by just pressing a button. A motorized pool cover is much more expensive than the manual and often requires more extensive care and maintenance.

Image result for motorized pool cover

When shopping there are three main choices: winter pool cover, safety pool cover, or solar pool cover. Winter cover is a cover that can be used at any time of the year, all year long. Winter cover is known to reduce water evaporation, and to protect the pond from leaves, branches and other objects that can fall and damage or change the color of your pool.

Safety gloves are designed to be strong and protective and are made with the child in mind. This is designed so that small children and animals cannot, and do not want to, accidentally fall into a pond. This is definitely a good choice if there are a few children and pets around your house because security must always take precedence.

Another option is the sun cover. This blanket is designed to maintain water heat through retention – which means less heat coming out of the pool, so the water will stay warm. In addition, sun cover will minimize evaporation from ponds and increase energy from the sun into water.

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