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Results Of A Continuous Habit Of Finger Sucking

Thumb sucking is not uncommon for babies or children to find fingers to calm themselves down when they are upset or tired. Scans show that finger sucking can begin as early as 15 weeks after conception before delivery. Check my blog to know more about thumb sucking behaviour in kids.

After some months kid stops the thumb sucking habit but some children continue sucking their thumbs or fingers to calm themselves. Helps in creating a sense of security and relaxation. Thumb sucking can be one of the most entertaining aspects of childhood. This article will provide you with more information about thumb sucking and its consequences.

The American Dental Association found that most children between the ages of 2 and 4 are no longer breastfeeding with their own fingers or thumbs. The thumb and fingers can put unwanted pressure on the teeth, bones, and soft tissues in the mouth, causing problems with tooth position and jaw growth.

The most obvious consequences of thumb sucking are:

Narrowing of the soft tissue at the roof of the mouth, resulting in a crossbite.

Teeth don't collapse completely and create gaps.

Insert the upper front teeth (incisors) and lower incisors.

If the child doesn't stop sucking his thumb, you can recommend an orthodontist. However, always try to encourage children to stop the habit themselves before wearing braces.

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