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How To Choose The Right Type of Paracord For You?

When it comes to choosing the right type of paracord for you, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First, it’s important to decide what you need the paracord for. This includes figuring out what tasks or activities you plan on using it for, and what type of cord is best suited for those tasks. 

There are three main types of paracord: nylon, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and braided ballistic nylon. Nylon is the most common and cheapest type of cord, making it a good option if you only need cord for occasional use or don’t plan on stretching or pulling too much on the cord.  If you are interested in learning more about Paracord you may visit

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PET is stronger than nylon, but can be more difficult to work with because the strands tend to fray easily. It’s also more expensive than nylon. Braided ballistic nylon is the strongest and most durable type of cord available, but it’s also the most expensive.

Once you have determined what type of cord is best for your needs, it’s important to choose the right size and thickness. The thicker the cord, the stronger it will be; however, thicker cords are also harder to work with because they tend to be heavier and less flexible. The size of the cord can also affect its strength; a smaller-diameter cord will be weaker than a larger one but easier to handle. 

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