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How Do You Find A Spine Specialist?

Spine pain specialists have an entire department within the hospital dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and preventing spinal problems. They specialize in things like lower back pain, neck pain, disc herniation or bulging, or scoliosis.

spine pain doctor will be able to look at your entire body and determine which areas may be causing your pain. They may also be able to give you treatments that can help ease your symptoms.

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Here are some things to consider before making your decision: 

1. Are you currently experiencing significant pain?

Spine pain is often subjective, so if you haven’t been able to quantify your pain with a score or rating system, then it might be difficult to find a specialist who can help. Spine pain can also vary over time and from day-to-day, so it’s important to find a physician who will be able to assess your individual situation and provide treatment that works best for you.

2. What treatments have you tried so far?

If you’ve already tried various forms of treatment, such as medication and physical therapy, then the specialist might be more likely to recommend those same approaches. Otherwise, the specialist may have other recommendations based on your specific case history and symptoms.

3. Do you have any other health issues?

Some conditions such as fibromyalgia can cause sciatica, so make sure that the specialist knows about all of your medical conditions before starting treatment. Additionally, if you have any other chronic illnesses or injuries, make sure they are also being treated by the same doctor as your spine pain condition. This way, they will be aware of any potential interactions between the two illnesses and can adjust your treatment accordingly.

If you are suffering from severe back pain, it is important to see a spine specialist as soon as possible.

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