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Best Practices for Engineering Talent

Below are given some best practices that work for technical recruiters and you can also follow these practices when starting with engineer recruiting.

Target goals where the talent is – Posting jobs online will not help you alone. You need to be fast and target passive candidates in their local hangouts, technical events, conferences, forums etc. If you are looking for engineering staffing agencies in Gauteng then you can search through various online resources.

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Image Source – Google

Use a wider network to find the talent you want – Don't hesitate to act outside your local network and look for talent pool across the country. Be sure to expand your contacts and recruit technical talent from any state or where they are calling from.

Work culture and skills match – You need to form an effective technical recruitment team with interviewers who can not only identify but also motivate talent. Every member of your recruitment must have the ability to find the best talent and match it to your skills and work culture before inviting them to negotiations

Choose talents that can make great teams not just great players – Be it software programming, mechanical production, system design or other departments, choose talents with skills, creativity, warmth, determination, honesty, and integrity, etc. If the candidate is available with the right mix of these qualities he will add value to your project.

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