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All You Need To Know About Clear Braces

Straightening teeth is a long process, and often it involves visible metal braces. But now, there is a cosmetic alternative to traditional metal braces – clear braces. In this article, we will discuss all you need to know about clear aligners

Clear braces are a form of orthodontic treatment that straighten teeth. They are made of clear or tooth-colored materials and are less visible than traditional metal braces. Clear braces use the same type of archwire and brackets as metal braces, but their brackets are made of ceramic or plastic. The archwires are coated with a tooth-colored material to make them less visible. 

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Advantages of Clear Braces 

Clear braces have many advantages over traditional metal braces. They are less visible, which makes them a better choice for those who want an aesthetically pleasing smile. Clear braces are also more comfortable than metal braces, as the materials are smoother and less likely to cause irritation. Additionally, clear braces are easier to clean and maintain, as the material is less likely to stain or discolor. 


Clear braces are an increasingly popular option for those looking for a less visible and more comfortable alternative to traditional metal braces. While they can be more expensive and may not be able to correct severe misalignment issues, they are still a viable option for those looking for a cosmetic solution to teeth straightening.

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