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Why is Composite Decking so Popular in Calgary?

Composite decking is a popular choice for roofing and flooring because of its many benefits. Composite decking is made up of a variety of materials, including fiberglass, plastics and wood, which means it’s easy to install and maintain. You can navigate to this site to know more about composite decking services in Calgary.

Here are four reasons why composite decking is so popular: 

1. Composite decking is a durable product. Unlike traditional wooden decks, composite boards are resistant to rot and insect damage. This makes it a great option for outdoor use, such as on the roof or in the garden.

2. Composite decking is affordable. Compared to other types of roofing or flooring, composite board prices are relatively low. You can also find deals on composite decking when you shop online.

3. Composite decking is environmentally friendly. Unlike traditional wooden decks that require extensive lumber production and processing, composite decking uses only a fraction of the resources required to build a similar product. This makes it a more sustainable choice for your home or business.

4. Composite decking is easy to install. Since composite boards are made up of a variety of materials, installation is relatively easy – even for people who aren’t experienced contractors.

They can withstand a lot of wear and tear, which is great for outdoor areas where there is a lot of foot traffic. They don't require any maintenance and they're also free from some of the harmful chemicals that other decking materials may contain.

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