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Useful Information about Recruitment Agency

Recruitment agents or employment agencies are intermediaries between organizations that plan to recruit employees from external sources and every individual who is looking for work.

Recruitment agents understand the job descriptions and job specifications submitted by the organization and then start looking for the most suitable person for the job. There are public and private recruitment agencies. Some of these agents are also available online.

If you are looking for executive recruitment agency then you can visit How do recruitment agencies work?

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The mechanism of employment of recruitment agencies varies greatly from one to another. But the basic pattern that is followed by all recruitment agencies is:

-The organization first sends a job description to the agent regarding the vacant position.

-The agency then selects applicants from the collection of resumes and CVs they have stored in their database.

-Agencies are equipped with selected CVs, from which they choose the individuals they want to interview.

-This seems very easy in theory but difficult in practice.

Recruitment agents are responsible for providing the organization with a proper list of prospective employees, because they are paid for it. The agent has comprehensive information about the employer. They understand the organization and its requirements and also that choosing the right employees depends on the pool of results, so they make sure that they produce the right set of candidates.

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