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The Top Benefits of Switching from Lawn to Grass

Lawn may have been great when it first came out, but times have changed. Lawn is now more harmful to the environment than artificial turf. Here are some benefits of fake grass:

1. Lawn uses a lot of water. It takes about 150 gallons of water to grow a single lawn grass seed, and that's only if the lawn is watered properly! In comparison, an artificial turf surface requires only about 10 gallons of water per year. Click here,,If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of Fake Grass.

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2. Lawn emits harmful chemicals into the air. Many lawn chemicals are harmful to both humans and the environment, and they often end up in our waterways. 

3. Lawn is a health hazard. Lawn can be dangerous if it's not maintained well, and it can also cause health problems such as allergies and asthma. 

4. Lawn requires lots of maintenance. You have to mow, water and fertilize the lawn, which can be a lot of work. Artificial turf doesn't require as much maintenance and upkeep, so it's definitely a win-win for you!

5. Lawn can be expensive to maintain. If you're using a lot of materials such as fertilizer and pesticides on your lawn, they'll be more costly in the long run than artificial turf grasses will ever be.

6. Lawn is dangerous if kids play on it. If kids are playing on artificial turf, they're more likely to fall if the surface breaks or becomes uneven (which happens often on natural grass). 

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