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The Facts about Asbestos Exposure Facts You Should be Aware of

Newcastle asbestos testing

After you feel, you’ve been exposed to asbestos, you shouldn’t take it lightly. Probably the first thing to do is to rewind back time and think about the duration of you getting exposed to asbestos. This will help the doctor to understand for your treatment. Here are a few facts about exposure to asbestos.

  1. Now it is known that majority of asbestos is capable of going out from our body. However, the small amount that enters our body through the nose becomes a problem. It slowly starts to getting settled on the lungs surface which leads to serious health issues later.
  2. Regardless of the amount of asbestos that enters our body, no one is guaranteed safe based on studies from the US Environmental Protection Agency.
  3. If an individual is exposed to asbestos for a longer time, then the same individual has higher chances of facing life-threatening diseases.
  4. An individual is never safe even after going through various treatments.
  5. In United States of America, around 3000 people every year face with asbestos related health issues. The number keeps growing every year.
  6. The symptoms related to asbestos is only seen after the individual passes the age of 30. This is a problem since early detection could avoid the problems.
  7. People who smoke cigarettes are known to face lung cancer. In order to avoid getting this disease, it would be wise to quit smoking as soon as possible.

If you find this material in your house, call a professional who will do asbestos testing in Newcastle with proper inspection before the removal process takes place.

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