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The Different Types of Latex

Three main types of latex are used in production are:


It is made from natural sap from the rubber tree. Tapping is a primitive method of harvesting sap from trees. This involves making small incisions in the tree and then collecting the sap into containers. Because of the high cost of extraction and manufacturing, 100% natural latex products  are difficult to find, but you can find some on

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Synthetic (Man Made)

Polymerization is a process that binds single molecules of monomers, such as styrene, with surfactants to form latex mattresses. This material has the same characteristics as natural latex, but is cheaper. This material is less durable and firmer than natural latex.

Blended (Mixed)

Blended refers to latex that is made by combining natural and synthetic latex, usually in a ratio of 80% natural and 20% synthetic. A blend of equal amounts of synthetic and natural latex is possible, but this is uncommon and reserved for premium mattresses. The blended latex brings together the best of both the main latex types, such as the durability of synthetic latex and its low cost.


This traditional method of processing has been used since the 1920's. The liquid sap is then poured into molds and baked or heated into its solid form. After the mold has cooled, the latex processing is done.


This is the same process as the Dunlop processing method with two additional steps. The mold is sealed after the sap has been poured into it. A vacuum is then created. This is the second step and distributes the liquid serum evenly within the mold. Before the serum can be baked into its solid state, it must be stolen flash-frozen. After cooling, the molds are removed and the talalay talalay core is extracted

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