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How To Clean Terrazzo Floors and Benchtops

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Terrazzo is a form of stone that is made up of a variety of natural stone, mainly quartz, glass, granite, marble and other suitable materials. When used in modern architecture, it is primarily used as tiles in flooring or countertops in kitchens and bathrooms.

Like all surfaces in the home, it should be cleaned, but it is important to clean them in the right way so that you protect them. This article will look at how best to clean and care for Terrazzo surfaces.

Terrazzo should be cleaned regularly with a non-acidic product with properties that are as natural as possible. This is due to the properties of the Terrazzo composite stones. If you were to use chemical cleaners on Terrazzo, such as ammonia, chlorine or other disinfectants, there would likely be a chemical reaction that would cause a deterioration in the integrity of the stone. This would cause it to become weak, lose its shine and its protective layer.

General cleaning can be done by yourself at home. Natural products that can be used may include, but not be limited to tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, or even vinegar and bicarbonate, just to name a few.

Over time Terrazzo may begin to show signs of wear and tear. At this time it may be beneficial to consider a professional service that will provide a deep and thoroughly clean for the Terrazzo. Until that time, you can take care of it yourself using natural products that do not harm the Terrazzo. 

Expert services are available from Absolute Stone Care if you are looking for help with your terrazzo cleaning and polishing. 


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