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Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuits & Settlements

Talcum powder is mainly made of talc, a mineral that contains elements of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. The powder is used  babies powder, cosmetics, and other consumer products, it absorbs moisture and can be used to reduce skin abrasion. 

Although talc has been used for decades, it is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer in some women. You can get more information about the talcum powder cancer via

talcum powder cancer

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If you or your family one has ovarian cancer after using talcum powder, the defective product lawyers want to help. You may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, and missed wages. 

Although talc may contain asbestos a carcinogenic substance in its original form, consumer products that contain talc have had no asbestos in them since the 1971s. 

However, the researchers note that even modern asbestos-free products that contain talc can increase the risk of ovarian cancer when used in the genital area.

The powder doesn't break down in the body and can travel through a woman's fallopian tubes to the ovaries, causing irritation and an increased risk of ovarian cancer.

During the trial, lawyers for the victims' families alleged that Johnson and Johnson had known about the risk of talc cancer for decades but did not warn consumers to protect their profits.

If you develop ovarian cancer after using a product containing talc, you are entitled to a team of experienced lawyers to protect your rights. Contact the law firm today.

Major Threats Caused By Talcum Powder

Talcum powder is formed of talc which is a mineral composed of three main element magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. Talcum powder works great in absorbing moisture. It helps in keeping skin dry and even prevents rashes.

In cosmetic products like baby powder and facial powders, talcum powder is used extensively. Some talc contains asbestos. It is found in research that asbestos is the leading cause of cancer. Check this out to learn talcum powder cancer risks in great detail.

talcum powder ovarian cancer

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Following are the threats caused by using talcum powder:

  • Ovarian Cancer

Studies have shown that talcum powder increases the likelihood of ovarian cancer in women. When women apply talcum powder in the genital area, there is a possibility that the particles may reach to ovaries. This can lead to the formation of ovarian cancer powder.

Certain reports have shown that one out of every 75 women in the United States is at risk of developing ovarian cancer in her life.

  • Lung Cancer

Talc containing asbestos and inhalation causes lung cancer. Talc miners and millers have more chance of developing lung cancer and respiratory diseases. 

Talcum powder in its natural form has asbestos and other minerals. The miners when it comes to exposure to these substances on a daily basis have the possibility of developing lung cancer risk.

Talcum powder lawsuit help to seek compensation for people who have been diagnosed with ovarian or mesothelioma cancer.

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