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Benefits of Dead Sea Mineral-Based Products

The saltiest water on earth, the Dead Sea, is a miracle in itself. Saltwater enhances health benefits that cannot be found anywhere else. It is known that some skin ailments are best treated with holistic healing methods based on Dead Sea salts and minerals rather than with commercial cosmetics.

Calcium, bromide, and sodium are found in all skincare products that contain salt and mud from the lake. Calcium acts on the skin pores and strengthens the bones, cells of the human body. Bromide is a mineral that has a relaxing effect when you bathe in the saltwater of this lake. 

Bromide can keep the body cool and smooth in all circumstances. The sodium ions found in the Dead Sea mineral-based products helps in keeping your skin looking youthful and elegant. It also removes dead skin cells, allowing new cells to come out. Sodium also prevents skin pores from drying out.

Even iodine is included in the list of all minerals extracted from inland lake brine. These products work as a strong anti-inflammatory agent that prevents skin irritation. Zinc helps your skin by allowing new cells to grow. Apart from these essential minerals, magnesium and potassium have proven to be very useful in treating psoriasis patients. 


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