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Symptoms of Neuropathy

The symptoms of neuropathy vary greatly from person to person, but most people experience some form of discomfort due to the condition. Burning, numbness, and pins and needles are all common symptoms of neuropathy. Pain may also be a problem for some people with neuropathy. In addition, many people with neuropathy experience changes in their ability to touch. You can click this link to learn more about neuropathy.

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Diagnosis of Neuropathy. Neuropathy can be diagnosed through a physical exam, an electrodiagnostic exam, and/or blood tests. The physical exam provides objective data on the location and severity of the symptoms experienced by the patient. The electrodiagnostic test is used to confirm that a nerve is being damaged or to determine which nerves are being damaged. 

Blood tests may also be ordered to examine for problems with anemia, infection or other causes of nerve damage (neuropathy). In some instances, an MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging) may also be required to view areas of nerve damage more clearly. Diagnosis and treatment of neuropathy depend, in part, on the type of neuropathy being experienced by the patient. For example, if the patient has autonomic neuropathy, then physical therapy can be provided to help improve symptoms (e.g., medications such as antidepressants can be used). 

If the patient has sensory neuropathy, then physical therapy may be ineffective because sensation is no longer being transmitted through the nerves affected by the disorder. Doctors may recommend that surgery be performed in cases where other treatments have failed to provide relief.

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