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Migraines – Causes And Prevention

Migraine headaches are a form of vascular headache (blood headache). Migraine headaches are caused by a combination of vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) and the release of chemicals from nerve fibres that enclose blood vessels. Temporal arteries dilate during migraine attacks

Temporary arteries are arteries located outside the skull just under the skin. Enlargement of the temporal artery stretches the nerves that wrap the arteries and causes nerves to release chemicals. These chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further expansion of the arteries. Increased arterial dilation increases pain.

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The above causes periodic headaches on one or both sides of the head. They can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light in the eyes (photophobia) with impaired vision and blinking (aura), increased sensitivity to sound (phonophobia), dizziness, visual disturbances, cognitive disorders and other symptoms. Some migraines have these symptoms but do not include headaches, and migraines may or may not be preceded by an aura.


The difference between migraine headaches and tension headaches is that tension headaches affect the muscles and fascia of the scalp and neck, contract and cause pain. However, migraines involve large chemical changes that affect the whole body. Blood vessels in the brain dilate, serotonin decreases and nerves fail – which causes intense pain – as well as many other symptoms as mentioned above, which usually do not occur with headaches without migraines.

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