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Choosing Shoes For Children

One of the basic needs of children is clothing and clothing also covers shoes that protect the little one's feet. In choosing shoes for children, we adults should consider a few matters in order to pick shoes that are really proper for them.

Infants and toddlers basically need no shoes but only a pair of socks. The socks will allow the feet to normally grow. This will also allow the development of the muscles and the ability of the toes to grasp. 

Ensure that the shoes have the proper fit, are not very tight, and provide enough space for the toes. Fit is one important factor to consider when choosing children's shoes.  You can also choose kid's shoes through

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A child's foot will only become fully developed and formed when he or she reaches the age of 6. The bones, ligaments, nerves, muscles, and tendons are still soft and may easily be stretched. If you happen to choose poor-fitting shoes may possibly damage the young one's foot. 

The child who will wear the shoes must be brought along when shopping for children's shoes so that he or she may try the shoes on and walk with it for a few minutes inside the shoe store.

Young feet need adequate support thus choose shoes with laces or buckles instead of elastic and Velcro fasteners. Shoes made of leather are also better than vinyl-made shoes. Leather shapes around the foot better.

Children's shoes must be flexible and light. The sole or shoe bottom should bend at the toe area instead of the middle area as the foot bends close to the toes.

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