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All About Automobile Safety Defects

When it comes to car security, there really isn't too much. Every year, around 30,000 People die in a car accident, many of which lives can easily be saved if they have properly used their vehicle safety features. 

This accident costs more than $ 160 billion in expenses every year, according to a recent study, and many of these calculations can be prevented by just wearing a seat belt. However, sometimes the safety feature fails. This is an unfortunate reality: there is no such thing as perfect engineering. 

Whether it's a defective design or manufacturing defect, failure in the production of car safety features can cause you to injured and lose wages. If you are injured because of the wrong safety equipment, you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent you in a lawsuit against the manufacturer. 

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Often, in case of design failure, you can file a class-action lawsuit along with other people who are injured because of the same disability.

When the safety feature is wrong:

Because there is a level of human error in almost everything made by humans, even the most familiar safety equipment can fail.

Airbag Defect:

Between 1960 and 2002, the national highway traffic security administration estimated that 12,000 lives were saved by airbags. However, between 1990 and 2001, 215 people died as a result of airbags that bundled low accidents. 

The problem with airbags is that they mobilize quickly and strongly, and can hurt the driver or passenger. Even if calibrated correctly, airbags can be dangerous because of the amount of strength they develop.

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