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Maintenance of a Strimmer/Brushcutter done By A Professional in Laois

With any machine a good maintenance schedule is vital. But proper servicing and repairing are done by professionals.

They check each and every part properly by cleaning thoroughly. You can also get servicing and repairing by professionals for any garden machinery in Laois.

Firstly, they remove the spark plug and check the color of the end, to see how the fuel is burning in the chamber. The working end of the spark plug should a nice biscuit brown. It is useful to then clean up the working end with some light grit sandpaper or replace the plug if necessary.

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Then it comes to the fuel filter. This is found inside the fuel tank and can be carefully hooked out with a thin piece of wire, taking care not to damage the fuel pipe. This should appear clean and white if not, it should be replaced.

Then they remove and inspect the air filter. If it is a dirty one, they carefully clean it with a toothbrush. They replace the filter if it is damaged.

Then it comes to greasing the gearbox head. They remove the cord head /blade and the cover plate and apply some lithium grease into the area below. This ensures that heat buildup is dissipated and lengthens the life of the bearing mechanism.  Most strimmers have an access port somewhere on the gear head to apply grease to the internals of the gear.

At last, they give the strimmer a good clean all over, trying to remove as much grass, grit, and mud as possible, as this will help prolong the life of all the plastics as well as making your machine run better without restrictions


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