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High Intense Interval Training (HIIT) For Burning More Fat

The best exercise for burning fat is high intense interval training, or HIIT. This training is a mixture of low to medium impact aerobic with bursts of intense high exercise that really pumps your blood.

With the increase in blood flow, you burn fat more efficiently. The fat needs oxygen to burn, so more the oxygen flowing, the better your body can burn fat.

HIIT is not just a good exercise to burn fat, also a great way to increase your metabolism even a few hours after exercise. You can also gather more information about the heart rate based workouts.

What is High Intense Interval Training (HIIT)?

This training is basically a mixture of low to medium impact cardio exercises with short bursts of high intense activities such as sprinting or jumping rope. This high-intensity exercise impulse is good for building stamina, burning fat faster and burning calories.

By doing this training, you can burn much calories in lesser time as compared to low-impact aerobics. It is because you exercise at 90 to 95% of max heart rate during your acceleration from high-intensity sprints.

Choosing the Correct Intensity for HIIT

Duration of spurts and its intensity will rely on your level of fitness. If it’s your first attempt at HIIT, then start with a spurt for 15 to 30 seconds at 70% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. If you think that you can do more, then increase the intensity to 90%, but keep it at 15 to 30 seconds.

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