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What Is Self-Managed Superannuation?

Self-managed superannuation is the most recent alternative to traditionally defined benefit pension plans. While there are many good reasons for this, this article lays out some of the main ones that you should consider before deciding to do it. When it comes to retirement, most people dream of having their wealth managed for them by a professional financial planner.

What is self managed superannuation? Simply put, it is when you manage your own money through a self-managed fund or account. There are many benefits that come with self managed superannuation, such as greater control and flexibility over your retirement savings. You can know all about it via

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There are many benefits to self-managed superannuation, including the ability to control your own investments and receive tax advantages not afforded to traditional investment products. Self managed superannuation can also provide a comfortable retirement for you and your family.

Self-managed superannuation (SMS) is a type of investment where the investor is responsible for all aspects of selecting, managing and collecting their benefits. The fund must meet certain requirements, such as being regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). This makes SMS an attractive option for individuals who want to take control of their finances.

There are a few benefits to SMS, including the increased potential for long-term returns, flexibility and independence. When designing your self-managed superannuation fund, it’s important to first identify your individual needs and goals. This will help you choose the right investment options and determine how regularly you would like to receive income from your fund.

Self-managed superannuation (SMS) is an innovative way of managing your wealth, and as such, it has a lot of people very interested.

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