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How Much Dental Crowns Cost – What Will You Pay?

Dental crowns are an extremely popular option in the present. They serve many reasons. They are typically used to repair unbalanced teeth. They can lengthen teeth with a short span as well as repair chipped ones. They can even brighten your smile.

If you have severe tooth discoloration, dental crowns are an excellent alternative to use. There is no need to make use of tubes of teeth whitening solutions as you can have perfectly white teeth by applying dental crowns.

The costs can be very different based on many variables. One of them is the dentist you see. Some will charge you more than you should for no reason. So how to find what is the justified dental crowns costs in Buderim and what affects this cost?

Dental Crown Types: Which Material is Best for You?

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The cost of crowns for dental use

The price of dental crowns is usually around $600 per tooth. The exact cost of a dental tooth depends on the purpose it is intended for and the material used. For example, a crown to be used on a dental implant will probably cost more than a normal crown. A crown made of porcelain that resembles an ordinary tooth's shade could cost more than a traditional metal crown that is placed on the back molars.

Factors that affect the price

As previously mentioned the price of crowns is influenced by a variety of variables. They include:

1. The type of crown

Metal crowns are generally more expensive than resin crowns. There are various kinds of crowns. If you talk to your dentist, they'll be able to provide additional advice on the best kind that is right for you.

2. Age of patients

It's no surprise that adult crowns are generally more expensive than crowns for children. However, in certain instances, they may be less expensive. The stainless steel crowns work in protecting baby teeth that aren't able to hold a filling. The caps are created prior and custom-designed to fit over the tooth. They are then bonded with dental cement.

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