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COVID-19 Workplace Induction Training

The COVID-19 induction Program is aimed at employees in all sectors (except in the construction industry), because employers offer introductory training for all employees and employees must give advice on the controls needed.

Risk assessment is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. The COVID-19 introductory course is designed to help employees return to work after the Covid-19 pandemic ends.

This training must include at least the latest public health advice and guidelines: What should workers do if they experience symptoms of COVID-19? Details of how the workplace is organized to deal with the risk of COVID-19; COVID-19 response plan; Identification of contact points by employers and employees; and other relevant industry specific advice.

This course is intended for employees who need information and practical control guidelines to comply with COVID-19 infection prevention measures and who meet the training requirements for employers stipulated in the Safe Returns Protocol – Special National Protocols for COVID-19 employers and workers

All employees must attend the introductory COVID 19 training offered by the employer before or after returning to work and be notified of changes in the workplace and introduction of new steps in the protocol to return to work safely "and use it at work.

At the end of this course, employees have all the information and practical guidance to help them work safely and to ensure that the dangers posed by COVID-19 are minimized to an acceptable level.

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