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Buying Led Panel Lights

LED panel lights are popular because they offer even light distribution, slim design, low power consumption, and no LED glare. There are many factors to consider when buying these units.

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Dimension of the lights

There are many sizes available for the lights. The size of your ceiling grid should influence the size of your choice. The following ceiling grids are compatible with LED lights: 1200×600, 600×600, and 1200×300. Make sure that the ceiling has adequate ventilation when installing the units. Integral edge-lit panels are best if your ceiling is narrow and you wish to suspend the panels.

The Power of the LEDs

Experts claim that the integrated LED panels provide a wider beam angle and consume less power. This ensures that less light is lost. You should choose a panel that provides maximum light and uses less power when you make the purchase. You can optimize your lighting by installing blighter panels. You will have more light in the house and save money.

The lumens are a key factor in determining how bad your units will be. The more lumens a unit has, the worse it will burn. You can also use the lumens to determine the efficiency of the units. The panel's efficiency will depend on how efficient it is. Always check the lumens/watt rating before you make a purchase.

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