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Competitive Intelligence – Getting Ahead Of The Development Curve

Companies today are forced to cope with the increased risk of litigation because the business environment is just more aware of the law. This has resulted in increased litigiousness needs more rigorous due diligence involving a greater focus on how intelligence is collected and the processes associated with it.

Part of this rigorous protocol is to monitor the IP landscape in general and specifically the competitive targets, before a decision is made to pursue one or more candidates. You can also get best solutions of artificial intelligence by clicking at:

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You can monitor technology in a variety of ways as it is being developed. At the inception of a technology, research platforms can provide only limited assistance because patents aren't typically filed until about halfway through the product lifecycle.

The lifecycle of the product usually begins with basic research and progresses through a developmental stage until it is mature enough to patent. After the technology is mature and protected, marketing plans begin to emerge as it is applied to products and finally introduced to the market.

Because results of patent analysis rely in part on patent data, there isn't a way to use it to thoroughly evaluate the technology between inception and patent prosecution.

In the beginning, it can be monitored using resources such as research papers and grey literature. This method is a very important complement to research that can be performed using a research platform.

As the technology becomes well defined and is deemed to be viable, you can rely on R&D Alliances and joint ventures such as open innovation networks to understand the developmental progress.

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