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All About Christmas And Business

Over the years the business entrepreneurs have made an impact on our Christmas tradition. Here are some interesting insights about how entrepreneurs have made their mark on Christmas.

Christmas Crackers

Christmas crackers are used in the decorations or at the dinner table that looks cute and makes a popping noise when pulled half and also contains a small gift or candy. English christmas crackers gives extra sparkle to your decor. At present, it is very popular and used worldwide in the contemporary world for party decorations. Christmas crackers are a simple but important part of the decoration. It brings memories of childhood and it is a very pleasant way to celebrate.

Christmas Tree

The decorated tree is a major part of our Christmas celebrations. Habits have a Christmas tree in the house that came from Germany. The person responsible for the Christmas tree became popular in the UK is the husband of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, when he allowed a picture to be printed in the press of the Royal Family gather around their Christmas tree. Then everyone in England wanted one! Now, more than 100,000 people are employed in the Christmas tree industry.

Christmas Cards

The earliest known Christmas card designer is Sir Henry Cole, the first director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Industrialization of the printing industry in 1840 led to the popularity of sending Christmas cards and since then, the Christmas card industry has evolved into a major holiday.

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