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Reasons To Think Twice About Using Eps Foam As A Wall Insulation

Wall insulation is an important part of any energy-efficiency project, but choosing the right material can be a challenging process. When looking for an effective way to insulate your home, you might be tempted to use Eps foam. However, this insulation is not effective as a wall insulation material. Here are some reasons why:

Expanded polystyrene foam in Hawaii is not fireproof. When exposed to fire, this insulation can easily catch on fire and spread to your other home appliances and furniture.

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-Eps foam is not heat-resistant: If your home gets too hot in the summer months, the foam will start to melt and become ineffective as a wall insulation material. In fact, even if it does not catch on fire, the foam can cause significant damage to your home if it melts or leaks.

-Eps foam is not breathable: This means that if there is moisture inside the wall cavities where the foam is installed, it will condense and create mold problems.

Many people believe that using Eps foam as wall insulation is a good idea because the material is lightweight, cheap, and it's easy to install. However, there are many health risks associated with this type of insulation.

Eps foam is made from recycled milk containers and generally contains chemicals that can be harmful to the environment and human health. These chemicals can cause cancer, reproductive problems, and respiratory problems. Additionally, the material can make your home more susceptible to heat and cold damage.

There are a few things to consider before choosing to use Eps foam as your next wall insulation. First, it is important to understand the environmental impact of the product. Eps foam is manufactured from treated wood pulp, which creates a significant carbon footprint when burned.

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