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Low Cost Franchise Opportunities

Although owning a franchise isn't for everyone, it does have some advantages over starting a business from scratch. For one thing, a franchise already has an established brand and customer base. 

The parent company—or franchisor as they're called more commonly—has already done some of the hard work, such as creating the business concept, designing the logo, and developing marketing materials. You can also look for the best cheapest franchises to start via

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Now, you—the franchisee—can jump in and carry out the day-to-day responsibilities of business ownership. As with any business, of course, you need capital to buy a franchise. Every franchise requires some initial money upfront and an ongoing investment of dollars and time.

When purchasing a franchise, there are four main cost parameters to consider:

1. Franchise fee – Virtually every franchise opportunity requires the business owner to pay a one-time, upfront franchise fee.

2. Initial investment – Your initial investment covers the materials, labor, and resources you'll need to launch. 

3. Ongoing investment – This is the money you'll need to run the franchise on an ongoing basis.

4. Personal finances – A few franchises require the owner to have a minimum net worth before they're eligible to purchase a franchise. Others have liquidity requirements.

The franchise fee, initial investment, and personal finance requirements are typically the biggest barriers to entry for most potential franchisees. 

Before venturing into one of these opportunities, do your research, review franchise paperwork, and evaluate whether the franchise is expected to have a positive uptrend in revenues and customer demand.

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