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Important Points Related To Cancer Diet

The alternative medicine community recommends that a good cancer diet should consist of fresh raw vegetables and fruits, raw seeds and nuts, and whole grains.

If you want to get more information about the best food for cancer patients, then you can navigate to Some foods in these categories have a particular benefit and we will explore them in this article.

  • A cancer researcher has found that the higher the amount of selenium in the blood, the lower the rate of cancer. Garlic is an excellent source of selenium along with whole grains.
  • Whole wheat helps prevent cancer of the small intestine and colon. It speeds up the passage of fecal material through the intestines, thus reducing exposure to cancer-causing agents.
  • Seeds may lower the risk of certain types of cancer as well. They contain specific enzymes that have cancer-fighting properties. This is an important food group to be included in this type of diet.
  • Studies show that vegetables in the cabbage family such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and mustard greens can impede the growth of cancer and help prevent cancers of the colon and rectum.
  • Raw carrot juice is a natural solvent for cancer. Juicing this vegetable daily is recommended and is an extremely valuable addition to the right kind of diet.
  • Add parsley to your salads. It is a good source of a nutrient called histidine. This is an amino acid that impedes the development of cancer.

Adding the above foods to your cancer diet will be advantageous to anyone afflicted with this disease.

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