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How To Fix A Mini Cooper Quickly And Easily At Home

Mini cooper repair is a specialized service that can be performed on mini cooper models. Some of the common repairs that are done on mini coopers include replacing the engine, fixing the transmission, and fixing the brakes. Certified BMW Auto Repair Shop is a specialty service that is only available through a few authorized repair shops. If you need mini cooper repair, be sure to check with your local dealer to see if they offer this service.

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If your Mini Cooper is having problems starting, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue. 

Here are four quick and easy tips to get your Mini Cooper back on the road:

1. Check the battery connections. Make sure the battery is securely attached to the battery post and that the cable is not twisted or damaged. If everything seems okay, try replacing the battery.

2. Clean out the fuel injection system. Remove any debris that may be clogging up the injectors, and then spray some carburetor cleaner into the carburetor(s). Be sure to wait until the engine is cold before re-starting it, in order to avoid damaging anything else.

3. Adjust your spark plugs. If your Mini Cooper is experiencing misfiring or poor acceleration, it may be due to a faulty spark plug. Remove all of your plugs and check their condition using a spark plug tester (available at most auto parts stores). Replace any that are found to be defective.

4. Check for oil leaks. If you notice an oil leak coming from anywhere in your Mini Cooper, take it in for inspection as soon as possible. 

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