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Different Ways to Create a Feature Wall With Wallpaper

You've decided you want one of the walls in your room walls to be featured – be it the wall behind your bed, the walls of the fireplace in your living room, the walls of the stairs in the hall, the bare walls in your kitchen or maybe the dining room area.

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But beyond wallpapering the walls in a single wallpaper, there are other ways you can make this wall feature with wallpaper? Of course there is, follow our tips for some new ideas to create a feature wall.

As stated above, wallpapering an entire wall in a single wallpaper design, single walls tend to take between 2 and 3 rolls of wallpaper and can create interest, impact and warmth without overwhelming the space and too much of a burden.

Wallpaper alcoves either side of your fireplace. You can either niche or full width wallpaper using wallpaper panel or a strip of wallpaper in each.

By placing the beads as a frame around the strip of wallpaper will make it look as if it is intentional and is not meant to be a cheap way around your decor!

Or you can paint the walls in a color background feature wallpaper and then concentrated two strips of wallpaper in a niche – creates effects of living in a fraction of the cost of wallpapering the entire wall.

Do not forget the bathroom – it is space that is ideal for wallpapering one wall as usually one of the walls are quite bare and vice versa shower area. Just remember to varnish over wallpaper if it is in danger of being scalded.

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