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Craniosacral Therapy for Pain Reduction

Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on therapy that uses light pressure to manipulate the Dura Mater (the material that surrounds the brain and spinal cord) to enhance the production, circulation, and reabsorption of the fluid around your brain and spinal cord known as Cerebrospinal Fluid.

In recent clinical research, cranio-sacral therapy is widely recognized as a highly effective way to treat baby colic, sleeping problems, and feeding issues, and was shown to vastly improve the lives of a group of Fibromyalgia patients.

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This group was treated for 25 weeks and then followed up after 6 months and one year. Throughout the treatment period and after the patients reported better sleep, they have a much-improved quality of life, and are in less pain.

Even a year after the end of the treatment of people still feel better than the previous one and a half years before they start the course, and sleep better.

The conclusion from this study is that Craniosacral Therapy should be used as a complementary form of treatment in addition to other forms of treatment and drugs given to the client. The research paper can be accessed here

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hand in the form of manual therapy that releases tensions and strictures in and around the nervous system. It increases the neural brain and spine allowing your whole body to function better, better deal with the pain, feels more relaxed, and allow your body's own healing mechanism to help your body heal and repair itself.

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