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Aquarium Air Pump – Description, Benefits And Types

Fish tank or aquarium is not similar to the lakes and rivers where marine life that used to live as their natural habitat. The aquarium pump allows the fish in the aquarium to get the air they need to live. 

Pumping air force is made up of special tubes or other attachments that are used to increase the amount of air or oxygen in the water. These systems typically add bubbles or creating a current or agitation in the water. It also helps in keeping the PH level in the tank or aquarium. You can also get various air pumps for water via for your aquarium.

 OP10 Best Aquarium Air Pumps (June 2020) : Comparison ...

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The following accessories are required:


This valve in the water to avoid going back to the air pump when you select to place it under the surface of your aquarium water in particular if there is a power outage or whenever an air pump to stop working.

Gang valve:

This is used when you have one application in an air pump and therefore, not be used as a substitute in the valve when the device is placed under the water surface.

Steps for setting up:

  • Always read the instructions 
  • Remove from the box air pump, tubing, and valves
  • Tubing should be cut as per the length required. You may need additional parts are cut when you use a gang or a check valve.
  • Place the pump in a preferred location and connect the valve where it is required.
  • The pump should be placed in an aquarium no matter what power you are using.
  • Make sure that everything is in place and work accurately. Be sure to comply with all the safety measures listed in the instructions.
  • Plug or turn on the device.
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