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The 3 Main Styles Of Dog Training In Austin

Dog training can be broken down into several different styles, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. This article will focus on the three main styles of dog training: positive reinforcement, punishment-based training, and desensitization/reassociation. If you want you can also get more details on top Austin dog training programs by browsing online.

Positive reinforcement is the most common training style used in households across the world. It involves using rewards (usually food) to train a dog to do desired behaviors. The biggest benefit of this style is that it is very easy to implement and doesn't require much time or effort from the trainer. Dogs learn quickly and are usually able to learn new behaviors without any difficulty.

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Punishment-based training, on the other hand, is considered to be more effective when it comes to teaching a dog not to behave aggressively or aggressively toward others. This type of training usually involves using physical punishments (such as hitting a dog with a stick) to teach a dog not to do something. 

While punishment-based training can be effective in some cases, it can also be very harmful to dogs if done incorrectly. Dogs who are punished often develop aggressive behaviors as a result.

Desensitization/reassociation is a technique that is used to reduce anxiety in dogs. This technique is similar to desensitization and counterconditioning used on humans, with the exception of the fact that dogs are not consciously aware of the triggers for their anxiety. 

This training method involves repeatedly exposing a dog to a dog's fear stimulus. The trainer then provides a neutral stimulus such as a toy or treats (re-associates the dog with the less fearful stimulus), until the dog shows no signs of anxiety toward the original fear trigger.

In order for this process to work, it requires patience and consistency on behalf of both the handler and owner.

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